Call Works Media call center outsourcing service experience across multiple industries and markets, including yours.
… we’ll keep you in contact with the customers you have and the markets you want. On the phone, – we speak your customer’s language.
Our clients’ businesses span many industries and markets and their call center outsourcing goals vary widely, from outbound appointment setting to inbound call center customer service outsourcing. But they all have something in common: Staying Close to Customers.
Great inbound call center customer service and outbound call center appointment setting and B2B lead generation campaigns are critical success factors in today’s economy. We can implement an aggressive call center outsourcing program that’s tailored to your industry, market and competitive strategy. Call Works Media call center outsourcing spans the full range from customer service outsourcing and order service taking to outbound call center, B2B lead generation call center, appointment setting, customer win-back, customer and market research and surveys, and database scrubbing and list hygiene.
Call Works Media clients range from startups and mid-size businesses to large, industry-leading companies. Our experienced campaign managers have the skills and know-how to develop the right program for you, and our representatives have the education, maturity and background to execute your program at the highest level.
As an optimized domestic call center, Call Works Media delivers excellent outsourced service while also handling numerous call center management tasks, such as maintaining an IT infrastructure optimized to support complex appointment setting and call center customer service programs, personnel matters and program supervision.
Call Works Media inbound call center service experience of retail and eCommerce companies in the consumer packaged goods, food & beverage, restaurant, clothing and jewelry and candy confectioners sectors.
Call Works Media implements custom outsourced call center services programs that help retailers and e-commerce companies get closer to their markets and their customers, reinforce customer loyalty and express their unique brand. And we reduce our client’s cost of doing business. Our inbound services include customer service, order processing and order taking, help desk, email and chat. We operate 24/7/365, and we have Spanish, and Canadian French language capabilities.
Call Works Media call center services operate 24/7, so we can extend your hours of inbound call center customer service into the evenings, overnight and weekends. And we can handle overflow calls during your peak business periods. Or you can outsource your entire call center operation to us.
Call Works Media can quickly scale your call center outsourcing program — either adding to your team or reducing it — according to changes in your seasonal call volume. Many retailers need more inbound call center support staff during the fourth quarter and fewer the rest of the year. Our call center outsourcing staffing model provides you with elastic staffing resources, and saves you the trouble of hiring and laying off employees.
In today’s retail and e-commerce industry, customer service standards continue to rise while margins shrink. The competition for market share gets tougher every year. A key competitive advantage is superior customer relations and customer service. It’s integral to setting you apart in a crowded market – whether it’s winning new customers or retaining existing ones.
Your brand’s reputation is paramount, especially as social media become universal and online word-of-mouth quickly finds customers seeking peer-to-peer reviews. We understand the risks and rewards of customer service outsourcing and customer communications, and our call center customer service programs have a great record of protecting our retail and e-commerce clients’ brands.
So if you’re considering customer service outsourcing, think about Call Works Media. Our call center outsourcing boosts sales and brand loyalty while cutting your business costs. Our goal: Become a direct extension of your inside sales and marketing team.
When technology companies outsource with OnBrand24 call center services, they gain the efficiencies and avoid much of the costs of an in-house organization. We handle the staffing and IT infrastructure requirements for your customer service, help desk or lead generation and appointment setting program, and you reap the rewards.
Our inbound and outbound call center technology clientele rely on Call Works Media deep call center outsourcing experience in the technology sector, from inbound customer service, order processing and help desk to outbound call center lead generation, appointment setting and inside sales.
Our roster of outbound and inbound call center services provides help desk (phone) and call center customer support services for technology companies that want to extend availability of live support to their customers.
Call Works Media “Innovative agent” means all of our call center outsourcing employees are premise-based: Whether it’s lead generation, appointment setting, inbound call center customer support or help desk, our call center services staffers all work on-site at our call center outsourcing facility – not at home. This promotes better quality assurance, work performance monitoring, teamwork, knowledge sharing and reinforcement of lessons learned in training sessions.
For outbound call center services, such as lead generation and appointment setting, Call Works Media extends the market outreach of technology companies launching new products, seeking quality sales leads and sales appointments, conducting market research or reconnecting with inactive customers.
We offer the call center service skills, experience, knowledge and sales talent to ensure your success and help you achieve your sales and marketing goals. We understand the sales cycles of the technology industry, from lead generation and appointment setting through to inbound call center customer service and help desk, and we develop custom outbound and inbound call center programs aligned to your unique needs.
If your customers have a membership, “continuity” or subscription relationship with your company, or if your customers are members of a club benefits program or if they need questions answered about your business services offering… then you should talk with Call Works Media outsourced call center services.
Call Works Media call center services are uniquely equipped to deliver the call center customer service program your company needs. We have extensive experience supporting membership services companies, and our premise-based call center outsourcing, representatives have more experience, maturity and education than the call center services norm.
Our “Innovative agent” is the key to our unique ability to deliver great call center services for membership services organizations. Call Works Media call center outsourcing, representatives has the smarts to understand complex information and answer in-depth questions “off script,” speaking naturally and conversationally with your customers from a base of detailed knowledge.
We’ll provide you with a team of call center services professionals who will inspire your customers to learn about your services, participate in your membership program and remain loyal and engaged. That’s what our call center services are all about.
With Cal Works Media flexible call center service delivery model, we’ll put together the call center customer service staff resources that you need – during regular business hours, in the evening or overnight – and configure it in a way that maximizes your call center outsourcing ROI. If you have a large number of inbound call center calls, we can construct a dedicated team of representatives who is solely focused on your program and only speaks to your customers.